Help Jen Walk Again

Help Jen Walk Again

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Becoming Independent

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the Olympics.  In my opinion, the opening ceremony was creative but I don’t think it compares to China. I did love the bit with the Queen “skydiving” and Rowan Atkinson (aka Mr. Bean)! He always knows how to make people laugh.

Today’s video blog is about my independence. I drive now with hand controls (thank you again to the Travis Roy Foundation) to school. When I get to the parking garage, I have to assemble the wheelchair. At first, it was difficult not only because the wheelchair was heavy but also because I had to figure out the most effective way to assemble it.  I watched YouTube videos on how others do it but it seemed everyone had their own strategy. So I combined what I learned and figured it out: in the beginning it took me 7 minutes but now I can assemble my wheelchair in under 3.

This year, I also lived on my own for the first time in university housing. I was both nervous and excited. I am so excited to move back when school starts. Yay!

So here it is, my new video on independence: CLICK HERE TO WATCH

Keep an eye out for the next video.   It will be my take and recommendations on recent movies and books I have watched and read this summer.

God bless and Love always,
Jen Bou Lahoud

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