Help Jen Walk Again

Help Jen Walk Again

Monday, December 27, 2010

Angel Appreciation Banquet

Hey Everyone!

On December 12th I had an Angel Appreciation Banquet to thank everyone who has donated and supported my fight to walk again. It began with a blessing from Father Zaidan of the Our Lady of Mount Lebanon Church whose words touched the audience: “When one member in our community is sick, the entire community is sick. It is important that we come together and help as much as we can.” Then my older sister, Kristel, gave her perspective of my accident as well as my progress. Her words made not only me but the entire audience tear up. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Then two of my most important trainers, Jillienne Feather and Taylor Isaacs, talked and informed the audience of the overall aspects of Spinal Cord Injury and my progress. The words that touched me the most were from Jillienne, “Together me and Jen share our blood, sweat and tears. You are my best friend, my sister and I am going to continue fighting my whole life for you.” Taylor also expressed, “It is an honor and a privilege to watch Jen strive for excellence every step of the way.” Then at the end, I surprised everyone by taking independent steps across the stage. It was amazing to see the number of people, some who don’t even know me, cheering me on.

As many of you know, insurance does not cover the cost for exercise-based therapy. Project Walk and Taylor Isaacs cost over $100/hour each. This equates to over $3,600 per month in expenses for therapy alone. To cover this amount, I depend on the generosity of those that believe in me and the contributions of my Angels. Each facility contributes to my progress and brings me one step closer to walking unassisted.

During the Banquet, videos were showed to illustrate my journey through the past two years.

To see the video of the moment of the accident that changed my life CLICK HERE

To view a slideshow that honors all my Angels CLICK HERE

To see how my cause is spread around the world CLICK HERE

And to see the most important video my TWO YEAR PROGRESS video CLICK HERE

Again, thank you all for everything! I am eternally grateful!

Love always and God bless,

Jen Bou Lahoud

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Update

Hey Everyone!

On October 16, 2010, I walked at Project Walk’s annual fundraiser, Steps to Recovery Event. I was asked to participate in the walk outside. It was an honor to be chosen to show my improvements to the public. I had the largest support group, about 25 people. I can’t thank everyone enough that came to cheer to me on. It means a lot to me to have so many supporters in my fight to walk again. Thank you!

I have been improving a lot within the past two months. I have been focusing a lot on my quad muscles in order to be able to walk on my own. Little by little it has become stronger. Not only are my muscles getting stronger, but my sensation as well. Within the last couple of weeks, I have been able to feel my legs shriving, upto my knees, when its cold. It is amazing to start getting my sensation back! I have also begun the process of ordering an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO )brace to assist me as I am walking. In the beginning of my injury I was given a Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) brace to help me walk around. The down side of this brace is that it did not allow me to do the full range of motion as I walked: My legs were basically kept straight. But with this new AFO, its goal to allow me to go through the range of motion with my knee bending and locking out. It is expensive and not covered by insurance.

To see my latest progress, CLICK HERE

So again, I ask for your continued donations. I am almost to the finish line, I can feel it but I need your help. Please help me in my fight to walk again. Visit on ways to donate.

Thank you!

God bless and love always,

Jen Bou Lahoud

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Progress

Hey Everyone!

This summer has been intensive and I have been keeping myself really busy:

· Project Walk 3 hours a day, 3 times a week

· Casa Colina for 2 hours a day, 3 times a week

· Acupuncture 1 hour a day, 3 times a week

· Working out on the weekend for 6 hours

· An online college history class 1 hour a day 5 times a week

It is a tough schedule but I do it to reach my goals. My summer progress has been amazing! I am always trying new exercises to challenge myself. I am trying to stand while lifting a 45-pound bar. Though it sounds simple, it is very difficult to maintain my balance. I also practice walking in different directions. I work at stepping sideways. When I take steps, I have the ability to bend, pick up and swing my leg, but I am still unable to lock my knees in place. In order to do so, I need to gain more strength in my quads. I now focus my energy on locking out my knees when I am on the treadmill. My trainers tie me to the treadmill in order to restrict my hips from moving my legs. The point is to only allow my legs to do the work.

Thank you for your continued support and donations. I can not achieve this success without your help. Since I am attending Project Walk and Acupuncture more often, my monthly costs has gone up to over $4,000. Every day, I get a little closer to my goal, but I need your continued support to cross the finish line.

For ways to donate, visit

Click here for the latest video!

Thank you!

God bless and Love always,

Jen Bou Lahoud

Thursday, June 10, 2010

San Dimas Graduation

Hey Everyone!!

Yesterday, June 9th, was my high school graduation! And that's not the best part....I was able to walk across the stage to receive my diploma! I was called up and everyone was cheering me on! I had my sister, Kristel, and trainer from Project Walk, Jillienne, with me. A year ago, I had a goal to walk on graduation and I DID IT! It was an amazing feeling to walk to get my diploma and to hear everyone's support!

This is a video of me walking on stage. CLICK HERE

I wouldn't have made it this far without all your support! But I still need your help to continue my fight. Please visit on ways to donate.

Thank you everyone for the congratulations and birthday wishes!

Love always and God bless,
Jen BouLahoud

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A day in my life going to Project Walk

Hey everyone!
I have my video done! This video portrays a day to Project Walk along with my trainer, Jillienne, talking about the progress I have made in the past year. I wouldn't have made it this far without your support! Thank you!

Click here for the Video

And Congratulation to everyone graduating this year!

Please visit on ways to donate.

Love Always and God Bless
Jen Bou Lahoud

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Project Walk for One year

Hello everyone!

I know it has been a while since the last video update but I have been extremely busy with therapy, school, and AP testing! It’s my last month as a senior and I will be graduating from high school on Wednesday, June 9th. I can’t wait to graduate!

April 13 was my one year anniversary at Project Walk. I am very happy with my progress and I would not have been able to accomplish so much without my Angels and Donors. To commemorate this huge milestone, I have produced a new video that shows you my daily activities including my trips to Project Walk. This video, like no other, will give you a glimpse into every major facet of my life from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. The video also includes a message from my Project Walk trainer, Jillienne, who has been my main trainer from the very start. She discusses my improvements from the first session we had last year to where I am in my recovery today.

I also attended the Be Perfect Spinal Cord Injury Fundraiser Dinner. Over 900 people attended the event! It was amazing people supporting spinal cord injuries victims. Hal Halgrave, the founder of the Be Perfect Foundation, asked me to assist him in fundraiser dinner by walking on stage with the assistance of my trainer Jillienne. Halgrave asked three other people with spinal cord injuries to walk on stage in whatever capacity they have to demonstrate to the 900 guests and donors that people with spinal cord injuries do recovery and can start walking. I was honored and thrilled for my progress to be recognized. I was able to stand proud and show that people can improve after a spinal cord injury. I had all 900 audience members cheer me on as I walked with a walker and my trainer Jillienne.

Even though most doctors declare that there is no hope to recover from a serious spinal cord injury; I am working to prove them wrong! When I walk without any trainer assistance, I plan on walking through the doors of Arrowhead Regional Hospital and announce to my doctors: “You told me I had no hope. You told me I wouldn’t walk again. So I fought and trained hard. What do you think now?” I will say and do this proudly. And it will be soon. I know I am almost there! I can feel it closer and closer with every step I take. This would not have been possible without each one of you. My success is due to your help. I am eternally grateful!

I wish everyone the best and for my peers, good luck during finals!

God Bless and Love always,

Jen BouLahoud

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

February Video

Hey everyone!

I would like to start off by saying thank you to all family, friends, supporters, and angels; without all the support and prayers everyone has given me, I would not have progressed as far as I have in the past year.

For the past month, I started pool therapy at Casa Colina. This new type of therapy provides less gravitational force on my muscles and allows me to start using very weak muscles. Not only is it fun, it is a great way to strengthen my muscles. On top of the new type of therapy, I have tried new exercises such as split leg kneeling and balancing on one leg as I move the other. These are new exercises to strengthen my balance and core as well as load bearing into each leg.

As many of you saw on the facebook group, I was put on Project Walk’s chalk board for being able to extend my leg in the side line position. This is a new movement in my quads! Once I am able to strengthen those muscles groups I will be able to kick out in a sitting position. This will allow me, in the future, to lift my leg higher when walking.

And lastly, I have been practicing walking with two trainers assisting me. They help to lift and place my foot as well as lock and unlock my knees.

These new movement could not have been possible without your support. But I still need you help to continue my fight. Please donate and become an angel at

To watch the video, Click here

God bless and love always,


Saturday, January 23, 2010

One Year Video!!

Dear Family and Supporters,

It has been over one year since my accident. My progress has given me so much hope. Hope for the future and strength for today. I know that this is due to your generosity, support, and prayers. Thank you for funding my therapy at Project Walk. Thank you for introducing me to trainers who have never stopped believing in my potential. To illustrate my progress I have prepared a special video comparing where I was one year ago and where I am today. The video is a bit lengthy but there is a surprise at the end!

I hope it proves my commitment to your belief in me. I know that my success will also mean a success for all of us. The emotional and financial support you have invested in me will never be forgotten. You are why I fight to walk and why I know I will. Thank you for being my donors, my friends and my angels.

To watch the video Click Here

Love and God Bless,

Jen Bou Lahoud

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. Hopefully 2010 will bring great joy to everyone. This year will have its challenges, but we will always get through them.

I have been improving greatly over these past couple of months. Project Walk has now been working on leg-based exercises and I continue to start and stop the spin bike on my own. Also, the stability in my hips have become stronger.

I have made a one year video with clips from the beginning to now. It will be posted soon. If anyone has song suggestions, contact me :)

Again, I cannot thank you enough for being by my side this past year. Words cannot describe how much my angels mean to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be improving as well as I am today. Thank you!

Happy New Year!

Love always and God Bless,
