Help Jen Walk Again

Help Jen Walk Again

Saturday, September 15, 2012

California Legislation AB 1657

Hey Everyone! 

I hope you are all doing well! So this video blog is a special one. I know I said the next video blog will be about my review of some movies and books I have watched and read recently but this topic needs to be addressed first.

I want to discuss with you a California legislation that affects individuals with spinal cord injuries. 

The California Legislation AB 1657 is a legislation that will give grants to researchers throughout California in hopes to find a cure for paralysis. This all started back in 1994 when a young football player Roman Reed injured the C-level of his spinal cord while playing football. He came up with the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999.This act received 1.5 million dollars annually to give to researchers. Unfortunately, this program was cut.

California AB 1657 is a pending piece of legislation that aims at rebuilding a source of funding for paralysis research. The solution that was proposed is to raise traffic violation by $1 and that additional dollar will go to researchers directly.

This legislation was passed by the California Assembly and Senate. It is now in the hands of the governor, Jerry Brown. So we are asking you to write a letter or email him and show your support. Below is the letter I will be sending and you are welcome to copy any portion of it.

For the members of my audience that do not reside in California, I encourage you to look into your state legislation and assess whether you have a similar legislative Act or policy. And if not, please become an advocate for one.

CLICK HERE to see my video that discusses AB 1657.
CLICK HERE to read more about this legislation.

God bless and Love Always,

Jen Bou Lahoud

PS: Next video will be about living on my own at USC. I am open to answer any questions you may have. Email me at

My Letter to Governor Jerry Brown

Attn: Legislation AB 1657
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Brown,

                My name is Jennifer Bou Lahoud and I am writing to you in the hopes of encouraging you to approve the AB1657 legislation. This is an extremely important piece of legislation that will have the opportunity to positively affect thousands of people who live with paralysis in California. The research funding associated with AB1657 will allow paralysis research to move forward.  I hope that California will be in the forefront of this research.

               Personally, I have been living with paralysis for the past 4 years.  On December 28, 2008, I was involved in a sledding accident in Big Bear, CA where I fell on my back and dislocated two vertebras at the T10/11 level.  Since that day, I have been paralyzed from the waist down. I do not have complete motor abilities or sensation below my injury line.

                I continuously attend various therapy facilities, such as Project Walk in Carlsbad and CORE in Northridge. Currently, I can walk with a walker and AFO braces (Ankle-Foot Orthopedics). I am fortunate enough to have made it this far in my recovery but others have not.

                Any research towards the cure of paralysis is worth the funding. Paralysis comes from not only Spinal Cord Injury but from various diseases and disorders. Being in a wheelchair does not only affect the individual physically but also emotionally and mentally.  I am young, motivated, and determined to continue to fight but we need your help. Please sign the AB 1657 and help us walk again.

For more information about my story,  please visit

Thank you!
Warm regards,

Jennifer Bou Lahoud