Hey everyone!
I would like to start off by saying thank you to all family, friends, supporters, and angels; without all the support and prayers everyone has given me, I would not have progressed as far as I have in the past year.
For the past month, I started pool therapy at Casa Colina. This new type of therapy provides less gravitational force on my muscles and allows me to start using very weak muscles. Not only is it fun, it is a great way to strengthen my muscles. On top of the new type of therapy, I have tried new exercises such as split leg kneeling and balancing on one leg as I move the other. These are new exercises to strengthen my balance and core as well as load bearing into each leg.
As many of you saw on the facebook group, I was put on Project Walk’s chalk board for being able to extend my leg in the side line position. This is a new movement in my quads! Once I am able to strengthen those muscles groups I will be able to kick out in a sitting position. This will allow me, in the future, to lift my leg higher when walking.
And lastly, I have been practicing walking with two trainers assisting me. They help to lift and place my foot as well as lock and unlock my knees.
These new movement could not have been possible without your support. But I still need you help to continue my fight. Please donate and become an angel at http://www.helpjenwalkagain.com/.
To watch the video, Click here
God bless and love always,
!!!!!!!!Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Proud of you! You can do this! Almost there! Keep Fighting!