I hope everyone is enjoying their summer like I am! I know this blog post is long overdue but I have exciting news. I am switching to a video blog! So from now on my blogs entries will be accompanied by a video diary from me.
This video includes is an introduction with basic background information about me. The video topics will focus on my opinions and personal life. I feel after these past years my audience has not had a chance to get to know me.
So to catch you up on what’s going on, I just finished my first year at the University of Southern California. This is thanks to the full scholarship I have received from Swim with Mike. This was a major transition for me. Not only was I switching from a community college to a university but I had to learn to live on my own. Also, I grew a new passion in my studies.. My new goal is to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. And from there, I hope to pursue my PhD. I will be sharing more details about my change in majors as well as the classes I am taking next semester in the upcoming video blogs.
With regards to therapy, I continue to make significant progress. I attend CORE with Taylor Isaacs every Wednesday (it will be changing to Saturdays at the start of the school year) and Project Walk on Fridays. I also was able to buy parallel bars in my garage so I can continue my therapy at home. My main focus at this time is to stand up by myself. Currently, I can’t stand up without the assistance of someone blocking my knees. So I am focusing on my quad strength. I am still walking with the Ankle Foot Orthotics (AFO) but I have progressed to forearm crutches. It is significantly more difficult but I do love the challenge!
Now without further ado, here is the first of many video blogs. CLICK HERE
I would love to hear your feedback on the video as well as any questions you have about Spinal Cord Injuries or any other topics. Email me at helpjenwalkagain@gmail.com.
And don’t forget to check out my website, www.helpjenwalkagain.com, for ways to contribute to my fight to walk again.
God bless and Love always,
Jen Bou Lahoud
PS I will be posting videos at every other Sunday of the month so keep an eye out! The next one will be on driving with hand controls, putting the wheelchair in and out of the car, and a tour of my apartment at USC.