Help Jen Walk Again

Help Jen Walk Again

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Update

Hey Everyone!

On October 16, 2010, I walked at Project Walk’s annual fundraiser, Steps to Recovery Event. I was asked to participate in the walk outside. It was an honor to be chosen to show my improvements to the public. I had the largest support group, about 25 people. I can’t thank everyone enough that came to cheer to me on. It means a lot to me to have so many supporters in my fight to walk again. Thank you!

I have been improving a lot within the past two months. I have been focusing a lot on my quad muscles in order to be able to walk on my own. Little by little it has become stronger. Not only are my muscles getting stronger, but my sensation as well. Within the last couple of weeks, I have been able to feel my legs shriving, upto my knees, when its cold. It is amazing to start getting my sensation back! I have also begun the process of ordering an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO )brace to assist me as I am walking. In the beginning of my injury I was given a Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) brace to help me walk around. The down side of this brace is that it did not allow me to do the full range of motion as I walked: My legs were basically kept straight. But with this new AFO, its goal to allow me to go through the range of motion with my knee bending and locking out. It is expensive and not covered by insurance.

To see my latest progress, CLICK HERE

So again, I ask for your continued donations. I am almost to the finish line, I can feel it but I need your help. Please help me in my fight to walk again. Visit on ways to donate.

Thank you!

God bless and love always,

Jen Bou Lahoud