Help Jen Walk Again

Thursday, May 27, 2010
A day in my life going to Project Walk
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Project Walk for One year
Hello everyone!
I know it has been a while since the last video update but I have been extremely busy with therapy, school, and AP testing! It’s my last month as a senior and I will be graduating from high school on Wednesday, June 9th. I can’t wait to graduate!
April 13 was my one year anniversary at Project Walk. I am very happy with my progress and I would not have been able to accomplish so much without my Angels and Donors. To commemorate this huge milestone, I have produced a new video that shows you my daily activities including my trips to Project Walk. This video, like no other, will give you a glimpse into every major facet of my life from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. The video also includes a message from my Project Walk trainer, Jillienne, who has been my main trainer from the very start. She discusses my improvements from the first session we had last year to where I am in my recovery today.
I also attended the Be Perfect Spinal Cord Injury Fundraiser Dinner. Over 900 people attended the event! It was amazing people supporting spinal cord injuries victims. Hal Halgrave, the founder of the Be Perfect Foundation, asked me to assist him in fundraiser dinner by walking on stage with the assistance of my trainer Jillienne. Halgrave asked three other people with spinal cord injuries to walk on stage in whatever capacity they have to demonstrate to the 900 guests and donors that people with spinal cord injuries do recovery and can start walking. I was honored and thrilled for my progress to be recognized. I was able to stand proud and show that people can improve after a spinal cord injury. I had all 900 audience members cheer me on as I walked with a walker and my trainer Jillienne.
Even though most doctors declare that there is no hope to recover from a serious spinal cord injury; I am working to prove them wrong! When I walk without any trainer assistance, I plan on walking through the doors of Arrowhead Regional Hospital and announce to my doctors: “You told me I had no hope. You told me I wouldn’t walk again. So I fought and trained hard. What do you think now?” I will say and do this proudly. And it will be soon. I know I am almost there! I can feel it closer and closer with every step I take. This would not have been possible without each one of you. My success is due to your help. I am eternally grateful!
I wish everyone the best and for my peers, good luck during finals!
God Bless and Love always,
Jen BouLahoud